Vil du gerne deltage i aktioner som bruger civil ulydighed, men har ikke lyst til at blive arresteret?

Så bliv Peacekeeper!

Som Peacekeeper sørger du for at deeskalere aktionen og se til at aktivisterne har det godt. Det er en god rolle at tage hvis du gerne vil støtte aktionen, men ikke vil blive arresteret.

Til Peacekeepertræningen vil du bl.a. lære at deeskalere situationer med civile, strategier for at skabe en rolig dialog og hvordan du sørger for, at aktivisterne har det godt.

Peacekeeper-rollen er sindssygt vigtig, og vi mangler folk! Bliv peacekeeper for klimakampen!

Hvis du har problemer med at finde vejen, ring +4552167703! _____________

Do you want to join an civil disobedience action but don’t want to get into trouble?

Then become a peacekeeper!

A peacekeeper makes sure to the activists are safe and happy and deescalates difficult situations. It is a great role if you want to support the action but don’t want to get arrested.

In this peacekeeper training you will learn how to de-escalate tense situations with the public, strategies for a calm dialogue and how to keep the activists safe.

The role of the peacekeeper is very important, and we need people for it! Become a peacekeeper for the climate struggle!

If you have troubles with finding the way, call +4552167703!