(English below)

Privatfly er toppen af klima-, social- og økonomisk uretfærdighed!

En fire timers privatflyvning udleder lige så meget CO2, som en gennemsnitlig europæer gør på et år. Privatfly bruges mest af de ultrarige (mindre end 1% af os). FN har sagt, at den rigeste 1% af verden skal reducere deres udledning med 97%. Alligevel fortsætter de ultrarige med at ødelægge planeten på vores bekostning.

Systemet arbejder imod folket, men du kan hjælpe med at rette det. 👊

Det sidste år har Extinction Rebellion og Scientist Rebellion hver måned lavet civil ulydighed imod privatfly. Den 22. juni er alle inviteret til at deltage i Get Down - gadefesten imod privatefly! Det bliver kæmpestor. 😁

Vil du høre mere om denne store aktion, så kom med til online aktionstræning den 19. juni kl. 20:00 på dette link: https://meet.jit.si/SkyTraining19062022, hvor vi også vil snakke om Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion og Ban Private Jets-kampagnen.


Private jets are the pinnacle of climate, social and economic injustice!

A four-hour private flight emits as much CO2 as the average european does in a year. Private jets are used mostly by the ultra-rich (less than 1% of us). The UN has stated that the richest 1% of the world must reduce their emissions by 97%. Yet the ultra-rich continue to fry the planet at our expense.

The system is working against the people, but you can help fix it. 👊

For the past year Extinction Rebellion and Scientist Rebellion carried out civil disobedience actions every month against private jets, and on June 22nd everyone is invited to join Get Down - our street party against private jets! It will be huge. 😁

To learn more about this big action/party and get ready, join the online action training on June 19th at 20:00 on this link: https://meet.jit.si/SkyTraining19062022